Wednesday, November 18, 2009


so as anyone who has been reading this fucked up train wreck of a relationship, you will be happy to know its on hold for a month.
it came down to break up or try this and its ok.
i figure if it ends, then hell, ive had over a month to remember what being alone is like, and if it goes back to us together, then yay.
until then, im taking this month to do what i want. my tattoo will be done, im gonna fix my room up, go to scranton to drink with hannah, drive to binghamton to see feather, go to group, and such fun things like that. i think it will be good for me.

as hard as it is right now. the crying has gone down though. and thats a plus.


Cyrion TK said...

Breaking up is the pits. I usually had such a hard time with it I would intentionally sabotage by making the other person hate me. I suffer from feeling guilty at making other people feel bad. But the real shitty thing is, when I've been on the receiving end I haven't always handled it so gracefully either. Which I guess is why if I had to do it again I'd do away with relationships altogether. Orgiastic Communes just might be the only solution (I say this tongue-in-cheek, for people who don't know me).

sins0ffreck said...

well its weird, because he dosent want me to hate him, even though i could, and he realy wants to work this out. funny thing is that since we havent been seeing eachother, hes been nicer and more eager to talk about the root problems as well as plan a 2 year night out when we do meet up the day after christmas. so i honestly think this will at least help fix us. remember, ive known him since i was 17 and we were good friends for a while. so its kinda different

Cyrion TK said...

Yea that's true. I tended not to date my friends because.. well. it felt a little incestuous lol. But that must change the whole dynamic from a non-friends-first relationship.

sins0ffreck said...

dosent matter any more because its mostly fixed now. he apologized and i listed things i will no longer tolerate, and he also wants to have a sit down with dad
so yea, i win

Cyrion TK said...

A sit-down? I take it to mean he intents to raise-the-stakes so to speak. If that is that case have you talked to him about moving to AZ or at least leaving NY (before they institute a tax on the air your breathe)?

sins0ffreck said...

sit down as in talk to dad about the whole he hit me event. jason hitting me out of anger is something that dad will not let go of, he hates jason now. even though i understand why it happened (bad reaction and not thinking) dad wont let go. jason wants to make things right with him. theres nothing going on further with us. all i want in life is a house, dog and travel companion. nothing more, no legal shit, just someone to share the adventure.