Saturday, July 31, 2010


im itchy for something new. lucky for me this is my last week working 7-4 sundays.
ive been diving head first into this derby stuff, reading blogs from roller girls, getting to know the fun, the ugly and the pain. some days i think i can do it, others i think it will kick my ass, then the whole time im thinking, well wait till it starts.

as of thursday im almost done paying for my computer. found out dad is gonna try to put me back on his insurance for my last year, saving me $120 a month.

tonight is inventory at walmart, so im there specifically to count.

august 6th- i meet jasons dad
august 8th- derby starts
august 14th- alices wedding
september 10-12-mini vacation to phili to see katatonia
september 13th- recovery day that ill probably end up working anyway

im also comming up on 3 years at walmart. i dont care how sad that is, it looks good on a resume. the longer you stay at a job, the more likely someone is gonna think "hey shes reliable and will stay with us" in fact, after working at kinney so long, when i got hired at walmart, they gave me a pay credit for each year ive been there, so i started out higher than alot of people.

so until my debt is paid, until i find a better job, hell, until this economy stops sucking so hard, ill stay at walmart, and bitch about it here ;)

funny thing- if i didnt have to pay rent or anything for one month, i could get rid of all i owe in one pay check. silly how it works. for now i just keep throwing $100-$200 every two weeks at the computer, then at my loan.

yay being an adult!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


oh stress, how you destroy my guts, my mind and my life
try yoga- it works- LIES
try meditation it works- LIES
try exercise....ok ill try

enter my new journey. joining the assault city roller girls. i start on the 8th, just got my paperwork and am HYPED

aside from the nervousness regarding money, ill be ok. i owe $468 on my computer still, which will go away fast. $200 needs to be paid on my loan by november, and i owe my vacation fund $83 for skates by september. (remembers i have an extra check in september so that will help, still im freaked out)

the nervousness comes because $100 needs to be paid for fresh meat training, then $40 a month for dues, and roller insurance

but it will be worth it. i got pads, skates, gotta find my helmet, and then after 3 months of fresh meat training, ill be a derby girl. this is my anti stress, and my manager is helping me by molding my schedule to fit the practice. hes being really cool about it.

i honestly think ive found my thing. everyone has a thing, i kinda had photography luck, but nothing ive ever been really proud of, this.....this is something that gets me excited.

more updates to come

~battlebots? ;)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

ooo shiny

so here i sit, 90 degrees out, in my air conditioned room glued to my new computer.
yes people i have finally gotten rid of the 10 year old dell. id say we got my dads money worth of use out of it and then some.

but this new one, is shiny and new. giant screen. fast. in fact im running youtube, AIM, and blogger at the same time. if jason hadn't wiped my hard drive i would have my itunes running as well. but yea, he wiped the drive so he could use it, turns out he cant, and he neglected to put my music on a flash drive or anything. but he was all excited so i guess it dosent matter. ill just start the process of reloading everything onto my itunes tonight. he even agreed to find anything i didnt have and wanted.

as of today $200 is paid for. so....$568 left. (this is me keeping track since my note with all my info was on my old hard drive)

i bailed on warped tour. just couldnt swing it. i need the money to cover gas for my bufalo adventure in august. i realy only wanted to see bouncing souls and dillenger escape plan anyway.

coheed and cambria are playing the fair for free september 3rd so im over excited about that one. we saw them at the westcott theater recently and it was amazing fun as always. also blues traveler (lol) is playing for free. im probably grabbing a 6 day pass just because i know ill end up being dragged to the fair more than the two times i plan on.

my katatonia fund has been cut down to $500 and thats as far as its getting. after bufalo when i take out the last $40 ill need, im giving mom my bank card till september. keep in mind i KNOW i will not use $500 in 3 days, i just dont trust anything.

im also up to something, i cant really say what yet but once this whole computer is paid for, ill start posting more.