Monday, August 23, 2010


derby has been fun. i helped out at the last home bout, it was crazy. we lost but it was alot of fun.
im getting better at T stops and am naturally good at laterals (SEAN- think carving on the long board but on skates, going from one side of the track to the other but fast)i think its my long legs.
we got our fresh meat names, our group is the breakfast club, and my name is waffles. i think its way better than the girl who got grits.

i havent had much time to post on this because jason has been home alot. he did how ever pick up a doubble today so is working till 1130 tonight and a full shift tomorow. im so proud.

just waiting on my indian food i ordered to be ready then off to get it then home for some snuggles and indian food. soooooo good.

as far as eating goes, i havent wanted to eat in a long time, just sleep so as soon as im hungry for something, i just get it, no questions asked. its kinda working well except ive been hung up on lunchables.

till the next time i get a free min,


1 comment:

Cyrion TK said...

"i think its way better than the girl who got grits. "

I loled at this