Thursday, June 4, 2009

this is the first day of my last days....

GAH! last 2 NIN shows ever.

kinda weird. kinda amazing. kinda sad.

i drove to buffalo monday to see ed, ended up out to dinner with him and carrie (who i havent seen in years so YAY) then stayed there over night so we could head into canada the next day. got to the venue early because last time i was there, you could go to the amusement park, it was closed. oh well.

NIN put on the best set list ive ever heard. it was amazing.

drove home the next day, got there just in time for jade and jason to come over so we could go to mansfield for the last show.

jason and my seats were amazing, but wow, sad. its realy weird to hear someone who wrote the song that you used to hurt yourself to, talk about writing a song when he went into seclusion trying to kill himself. it made it feel like theres an actual connection there.

i bawled durring hurt. yep, it was my last time hearing it live, and i was happy to have a jason hand to hold durring it.

after NIN we met up with jeremy and jade who had lawn seats, and so my last show ended the way my first one started. jeremy and i talking NIN so fast you could not keep up, and me with a bf who only was there because i asked him to be.

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