Wednesday, December 22, 2010

100 days left

so i have 100 days left to save 5 thousand bucks. so for fun heres some stats so far since ive been keeping track of every penny.

starting out i had $700. from that i took out exactly enough quarters to get me to work and back from day one until april first. only work days are counted in that money. the $700 was the start of my savings that i was planning on dumping into an account to eventually put down on a brand new car in the next few years knowing my 2000 altima was going to die in a few years and that i needed to build credit. dont ever plan ahead, something will come up to fuck up your plans.

$8.25... someone has given me a ride to/from work 11 times. at .75 a bus ride, ive saved $8.25

$18.33... i budget out $25 a week out of each paycheck for fun. this is what i have saved from either not leaving the house, or just the change left over from going out. keep in mind im not missing out or anything, im having alot of fun, im relaxing, im going out and seeing my friends.

in just 18 days i saved 26.58 which dosent sound like alot, but it adds up fast.

using an app on my phone i keep track of all of this, to keep me going. it works well.
the app is a sort of electronic checkbook, i set my goal as my balance, and every time i put money away, i set it as an expense and label it. the result is a display of exactly how much i need to save, how much i have saved and what has contributed to this goal.

in the next 100 days i need to save $3,989.52 and ill get there. till then, im anxiously awaiting tax time, and my monthly $30 jason pays me (difference owed after my cell bill is paid to cover his rent)

ill update at the end of january.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

once i had a car

cars and plows dont mix. i learned this the hard way. most of you who actually read this are on my facebook too so i wont waste time with details. this has been one clusterfuck of an adventure ill tell ya. stuck inside because of being with out a car is amazing fun. not to mention the blizzard we have going on here.
so ive been sitting around, researching cars and get rich quick schemes.
the whole thing had been up in the air. fix the pos car or rush into a new one.

as you all know i live for challenge. an adventure.

enter my plan. instead of being "poor" for about 3 years im gonna go with out a car for the winter, save the insurance money id spend, save the gas money, the hang out money that i burn through every time i see a tacco bell. save cans in the basement. try to have about 3k to dump on this new car.

jason wont be happy. but he can deal with it. hes too lazy to get his license and relies on me.

the hard part will be getting to derby, but the way thats working out i may just bail now and go back to fresh meat next year anyway. i could use the extra practice.

hopefully this works.