Friday, December 11, 2009

my happy list

jason suggested i do this.

things that make me happy
by kt.

i have an ikis! hes a healthy little lizard who makes me laugh.
i have the walking dead comic books that make me dream of zombies
i look damn good in those pictures mariana took.
i made a lesbian who hates me question her views on me because of said pictures
i have a jason. who i almost lost, probably did lose at one point, but got back.
and now he says "i love you" before he goes away from AIM or text. that never used to happen alot.
i have had trips to see NIN that made me happy
i have rum.
i have some money put away, not as much as i would like, but its something when i used to have nothing.
i get to sleep in a taun taun.

more later

Monday, December 7, 2009

back to normal?

well normal rants anyway. tonights subject- adventure

the first 2 weekends in january im spending in PA and MA to see this amazing band called tyr

they are amazing and i love them.
with jason and i back on track it should be a fun adventure. staying the night with hannah in PA and in a hotel in MA, we are gonna explore both areas the next day.

in other adventure news- jason and i did a photo shoot thats now on facebook!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

on the subject of good thoughts

well some things are bad, like g funk posting about my tattoo so thus me not getting to go, (i figure ill get it later when all the jason mess blows over, dont wanna add shit to the storm)

but good has come too.
jason apologized fully. he said his stuff, and i gave him a list of stuff that wont happen any more or im walking. it was a good conversation, and he made plans to go out tonight for our 2 year.
we went to quakersteak and lube, that was fun. then we went to dans party which was also fun. i love seeing dans family and his dogs are cute.

i worked 60 hours this past week, but our pay period starts on fridays, so with my work week starting on wed, i ended up working 12 days straight. included in this was black friday working 12am-9am then sleeping a bit then comming in from 430-10. id say im never doing that again but i dont have to because walmart hates giving over time so this was a one time deal i think.

jason sent me a link to a chrones site that said there is research that is proving that antioxidants are helping chrones patients along with stress reduction like yoga. this made me excited this morning because i already pump the green tea and pom juice, and i just got my orientation set up for group.

also- ive been taking vitimin d which has done wonders. its that little boost of happy that has made all the difference in my mood. its like a hug in pill form.

back on the subject of black friday- it was something ive never seen before. toys hurled in the air, people screaming, people trampling other people. they gave us event staff vests. mine is hanging proudly in my room.

christmas should be ok this year. last year jason and i took kyle to the movies to see the spirit. this year we are taking her to see sherlock holms. im excited.

yea thats all i got for now. i guess ill spend tattoo money on christmas presents. thats a good thing.